Pangman Daycare Informational Meeting

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A Pangman Daycare  informational public meeting was held at the Pangman Community Centre on Tuesday, March 29th, 2011.

There was a good turnout with about 35 people attending the meeting, including the Daycare board members, Judy Valentine (Early Learning Child Care Consultant from Weyburn), and Sveta Lagun (Director of the Pangman Daycare).

Elwood presented a slide show presentation. The first application for the Pangman Daycare was made in 2008. Then in early 2009 another application was made. In May of 2009 the funding for the Daycare was approved. In October 2009 an extension was granted. In February 2011 the Daycare buildings arrived and are now being set up. They hope to be up and running by June 1, 2011.

Sveta Lagun from Ceylon has been hired as the Director. She has a Obstetrics Nursing Degree, a Law Degree and is currently enrolled in Early Childhood classes.

The Daycare has been approved for 25 Child Care Spaces:

  • 3 Infant Spaces (6 wks – 18 mos)
  • 5 Toddler (19 mos – 30 mos)
  • 10 Preschool (30 mos – Kindergarten)
  • 7 School-Age (Grade 1 to 12 years)

The Daycare is government approved and regulated. The hours will be: Monday to Friday 6:30 am to 6:00 pm. Closed weekends and on

Stat Holidays. There will be a fenced in outside playground area.

There are full-time and part-time spaces available. Subsidies are available to parents to help meet the costs of licensed child care facilities.

For more information Contact Elwood White at 442-2024 or Visit the Daycare website .

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